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To explore how we can help you or your beloved ones, please book a consultation meeting with us!

Neurorehabilitation Services

Spindle solves the dilemma between standardization and adaptability, upholding continuous dialogue for reaching the best possible therapeutic outcome.


No Place Like Home 

Spindle provides supervised neurorehabilitation services to the patient in their preferred environment.

Every patient is a unique and exciting challenge for us. We don't offer 'off the shelf' therapy menus. Therapy is based, instead, on the critical properties of the movement needed to make functional progress.

We discuss the expected outcome in a professional and realistic way, while we base our predictions on the most recent scientific findings. 

In many cases, we will use the critical path method to determine the minimum time needed to reach an expected outcome. The success of tasks will be measured by milestones. In case milestones are not reached, re-evaluation and adaptation of the therapy plan will be discussed (risk mitigation plan) to reach the best possible outcomes.

Sharing Is Caring

Spindle shares expertise to empower patients in their choices

With more than 30 years of experience in the field of neurorehabilitation, Spindle wishes to empower patients. We advise you and accompany you in your neurorehabilitation choices, in an objective, scientifically sound and independent manner, upholding continuous dialogue to reach the best possible therapeutic outcome.


Growing and Helping to Grow

Spindle builds on a growing network and helps network members to grow

Spindle contributes to the development of research and education in neurorehabilitation and fosters cooperation between neurosciences stakeholders. We are happy to teach you, colleagues, so you become even better than us. And, beyond own research, we are happy to support and guide the development of your research projects, to advise you and to "link you in".  

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