Progress without complexity
Stay in your own environment and receive the best neurorehabilitation ever
Home is more than just a place to live, it’s where your memories are, where you relax and feel safe and where you’re close to family and friends. We have realized that a person’s rehabilitation truly begins only after discharge when one has to cope with real-world situations. We don’t come up with ‘off the shelf’ solutions but tailor what we offer to the individual and their circumstances. We are creative, adapt whatever is to hand, to invent an exercise. Because people feel at ease at home, the process is more collaborative, less directive and, in their own environment, quite frankly, it’s more enjoyable and effective for all.
"...Robots and technology are ubiquitous in modern neurorehabilitation, but modernity
has driven us away from using simplicity to control complex sensory-motor behaviors. Yet, simplicity is often the pathway to reliability that allows us to distinguish the critical properties of a movement from its optimal properties. Understanding these critical properties in relation to confronting problems as they impact on a person’s daily life and solving these problems by a personalized action plan has become the main mission of Spindle..."
Services to Patients
Spindle provides supervised neurorehabilitation services in your own environment.
Develops and implements optimal and personalized therapy plans to ensure functional progress, including
start-off of therapy and periodical on-site monitoring in your own environment
advice and instruction to informal carers (family, home-care providers, friends)
stand-by remote monitoring and feedback
Supports and advises upon choosing neuro-rehabilitation service providers and in buying/ renting therapy aid
Sets-up and coordinates local patient training groups in Switzerland
Advises and informs patients through various channels (web, phone, social media)
Services to Professionals
Spindle fosters research, education
and scientific cooperation among neurorehabilitation stakeholders.
Delivers training in clinical reasoning
and neurorehabilitation solutions-
Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)
transcranial Direct Current stimulation (tDCs)
Course in Motor Control and Learning
Clinical Reasoning
Neuromodulation in Parkinson Disease
Advises neurorehabilitation stakeholders worldwide
Provides research funding management consultancy
Runs a worldwide network of neurorehabilitation professionals
“Heartfelt thanks for all your help, the great camaraderie and discussions and the work we did together, I will be forever grateful.”
“Vielen Dank, liebe Grüsse an alle, ich habe gerade meine erste Therapie und ich spüre meine Finger schon besser, es geht aufwärts.”
“Hallo, das ist der Beweis und Verdienst für ihren unermüdlichen Einsatz und ihre super motivierenden Therapien, die mein Mann durch Ihr enormes Wissen geniessen durfte. Vielen Dank für alles!”
“I' keep pushing and now he's walking to go to the car outside without his wheelchair, we are happy for that!"